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  • Writer's pictureAlaina Johnson


Welcome back to my FINAL blog! I know, I know you are all broken up about it, but don’t worry, I’ll make my last blog a good one. Today I will be talking about a game I recently purchased, but it has quickly become one of my favorites. The game is….PASSWORD! You may recognize this game because Jimmy Fallon plays this game often on the Tonight Show. It's a simple game to learn but once you start playing it's hard to stop! Enjoy the blog! (No seriously, enjoy it because it's the last one...ever)

In my opinion, this game is perfect for everyone, but it may be difficult for younger children to understand. The game is designed for 3 or more players aged 10 years old and up. Included in the game there are 2 “Magic Window '' revelers, 50 password cards, scoring indicator dial, score pad, and instructions. With a total of 50 password cards, you can play this game for years and years without running out of cards!

To start the game, the group is split into two equal teams. If you have an unequal amount of players there can be one group of three. Each player sits across from their partner. One partner is an A, and the other partner is a B. To set the game up, 2 of the 50 passwords cards are placed into each of the “Magic Window” reveler. The “Magic Window” reveler is a little envelope that holds the password card and secretly reveals the password to you. An example image is below.

The password card is slid so you only see the first word on the “Magic Window”. Each A player is allowed to see the password.

To start the game, the starting A player (anyone can start) says one word in order to get their partner (a B player) to guess the password they see on the password card. No acting is allowed but facial expressions are acceptable. For example, if the password is ‘car’ then the A player could say ‘vehicle’ in hopes that their partner would guess the word ‘car’. If B player guesses the word incorrectly, then the next A player has a chance to earn the point. The password card is passed to the next A player and they can say another word to try and get their partner to guess the word. For example, they could say ‘vroom’ hoping that their partner could guess the word ‘car’. The password card is passed through the A players until the word is guessed correctly by one of the B players. The team that guesses correctly gains the points. Then it switches and the B players hold their password card and have to try to get their partner to guess the new password.

The points are awarded a little differently. Because each time the word is guessed incorrectly more one word clues are given, which makes it easier for the players to guess the word. So each time the word is guessed wrong the point value goes down. It starts at 10 points and goes down 1 each time the word is guessed incorrectly. For example, if a team guesses the word on the first try, then they win 10 points. But if three people guess wrong before someone guesses it correctly then they only get 7 points. A scoring indicator dial is provided in the game in order to help players keep track of the score. The team with the most points after 5 rounds wins!

If you want to purchase this game go here! I hope you enjoyed my last blog!

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